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6700 Stonebrook Pkwy #101

Frisco, TX 75034
(972) 360-0806

2831 W 15th St #200

Plano, TX 75075
(972) 360-0805

Periodontal Services

Healthy Gums Mean Healthy Teeth

Every patient understands how important it is to have healthy teeth, but your gums are just as important. Our dental team offers periodontal care to help keep your smile strong, healthy, and bright.

Gum Disease is a Silent Tooth Killer

Periodontal (gum) disease the #1 cause of tooth loss in the world. Approximately 85 percent of people in the United States suffer from this infection. Dr. Choudhury is a gum specialist in Houston, TX and is fully-trained to treat all your gum problems.

What is Gum Disease?

Commonly known as gum disease, periodontal disease is a common condition that affects half of all American adults aged 30 and over. Just because it’s common, however, doesn’t mean it isn’t serious. Periodontal disease is a progressive infection that affects the gums and the tooth-supporting structures of the mouth.

It occurs in two stages:

  • Gingivitis: At this stage, gingivitis causes your gums to become reddened, tender, or swollen. This is your body’s natural response to the presence of harmful bacteria in the mouth.
  • Periodontitis: Without treatment, periodontal disease can progress into its advanced form, periodontitis. The gums will begin pulling away from the teeth, and the gum tissue is slowly destroyed. Over time, the infection spreads to the ligaments and jawbones. This causes the teeth to loosen and eventually fall out.
Sandra Martinez

What Causes Gum Disease?

Periodontal disease is the result of poor oral hygiene. Inadequate at-home care and brushing and flossing habits can allow bacteria to grow in the mouth. This bacteria hardens into plaque (on the surfaces of your teeth) and tartar (on the surfaces of your tooth roots). However, periodontal disease is largely preventable and easily treatable with good oral care and regular cleanings.

Do I Have Gum Disease?

Are you concerned about your gum health? Have you noticed a change in the color of your gums? Here are some signs and symptoms to be aware of:

  • Swollen, puffy, or tender gums
  • Gums that bleed easily when brushing or flossing
  • Spaces (called periodontal pockets) growing between the teeth and gums
  • Pus between the teeth and gums
  • Loose teeth
  • Red or purple gums
  • Receding gum line
  • New spaces developing between the teeth, or the teeth seeming to drift apart
  • Bad breath or taste in the mouth
  • A change in the way the teeth fit together

Schedule Your Consultation Today!

How is Gum Disease Treated?

Sandra Martinez
Prevention is the best treatment of all! You can help prevent gum disease by:
  • Brushing twice daily
  • Flossing daily
  • Going to checkups and cleanings every six months

If you have gum disease, we offer deep cleaning services. Our team will perform a deep cleaning procedure to remove built-up plaque and tartar and prevent future infection. Schedule an appointment today to learn more about how we can help you get your oral health back on track.